Obviously a lot has happened in 9 months. I guess I'll start with Isaak. I had retained water just about my whole pregnancy. Secretly I wanted to get toxemia so I could go on bed rest, bad ju ju. I was so exhausted from working that literally all I did was work, drive to and from work, and sleep. Poor Cody. I was the most absentee girlfriend on the planet. Well June 25th, I went to Brigham City with my friend Melissa and got my nails done. I did baby blue and brown, for my baby boy that was going to come soon! (also bad ju ju.) My back was killng me but I worked 8 hrs, sat in a car forever, then continued to sit in a pretty uncomfortable chair for 2 hrs.
After that, I went to Cody's and he made me augratin potatoes and some random other starch (per my request, or more appropriately, begging.) We started watching a movie and of course within about 2 minutes I was out. I woke up to go to the bathroom and was kinda dizzy, but my legs were massive and I was sweating to death so I, once again didn't think too much about it. I went back to bed and woke up, starting driving to work. I felt like I was going to just vomit or pee my pants or something really weird. I got to work, thought maybe I was just tired or something. What do I do? Call my man of course. I wake him up, tell him I'm dying and mr grumpy just woke up, says "are you really having contractions or is this your scheme to get me to come hang out with you at work?" Had I not been the most dramatic pregnant woman on the entire planet, that may have offended me. I told Cody I was really not feeling well and he better come hang out with me. I was having really strong contractions. They would just about knock me on my feet.
About 25 minutes later Cody shows up. (Amazing timing since he lived 20 minutes away. Have I mentioned he's amazing?) We started timing my contractions. They were about every 5 minutes and lasted for about 45 seconds. So I called Ogden Regional and talked to one of the family birth place nurses. I told her I was about 4 weeks early and contracting but my water hadn't broke yet. She said to definitely come in. Cody had to stay at work for me and we were sure it was nothing, so I called my mom. She came and picked me up from work and took me to the hospital.
They had me change, took my BP, it was pretty high which is okay, they told me, as long as there was no protein in my urine. Dr. Housel had tested for that 10 days earlier and there was no sign of it, so I was sure there still wouldn't be.They took a urine sample and said they'd be back. Thankfully, Dr Housel was the Attending on call that morning, so he came in and checked me himself. He said he was a little concerned with my BP being so high, so they were going to do some blood work and urine sample. The nurse decides to pipe in and say, oh I already did the urine sample and its 4+ protein. (the band to take my bp is going off again) It was like 208/165. I started like hyper ventilating. I was SO not ready for that baby, and my partner wasn't there. No way jose.
So I get into my own room, they can't start the IV cause I was a huge whale and all my veins were hidden by water. They called the Nurse anesthetist and even he couldn't get an IV in my watery arms.
So they finally got one, after being in labor and on pitocin for 13 hrs I had to get an epidural. Bad news was, I was only a 1. Everything was smooth sailing after that except I wasn't dilating and the babies heart rate would drop after every contraction. I was barely a 3 after about 17 hrs so Dr Housel came in a broke my water. He waltzes in in his Khaki shorts, T shirt and flip flops, breaks my water and tells me he will see me in a few hours.
About 3AM Isaak's heart rate would drop into the high 20's when it should be in the 120's. They couldn't tell if it was just a bad reading. So they put a heart rate monitor in his little head while he was still in my tummy. How? I have no idea.
My epidural was starting to wear off so I was pushing that button every 15 minutes to get more. Finally about 5:45am I was a 9 and they said to start pushing. Okay, remember the epidural wearing off thing? Ya not the greatest thing to have happen when they say start pushing. After 2 hrs of pushing they said they'd try the vacuum and if that didn't work they would have to do a c section. I told that baby in my tummy (through ESP obviously) that he better get his little bum out of my body because I was not going through 28 hrs of labor and 2 of that being actual pushing for them to just cut him out. No sir. So finally at 7:55 am. Isaak Tripp Taylor made his debut to the world. 4lbs 14oz 17 inches long. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on.
SInce I was so early they had the NICU staff in the room. They checked him out and said he was breathing good and gave him an apgar score of 8 or 9. Daddy got his turn to hold him first. When they gave him to me, I was so groggy I thought he was purposely blowing bubbles. Looking back on his pictyures he was purple as can be, but it was so dark in the room I couldnt tell. my nurse called the NICU and they came and got him. They took Cody so he knew where to go. they said they weren't sure how long he'd have to be in there, but they'd let us know. (NICU part to be continued)
I am so thankful for the opportunity to be Isaak's mommy. He is the worlds sweetest boy. I am thankful for Cody and his hard work and sacrifice for us. I am thankful for the companionship and love we share. He is the most patient loving man I know. How many guys would wipe your sweat while your in labor and sneak orange soda into your ice cube cup? He was there every step of the way of my pregnancy and has been every day since. Isaak and I love you so much Babe and we are so grateful you are part of our lives.
Cody, Kate and Isaak.
The wonderful world of our tiny little family! :)
There is never really anything way new going on. I am just working and trying to keep busy until its baby time! I am now 24 weeks and starting to get so huge. The weather is starting to mess with me, look forward to me complaining about the weather more the hotter it gets outside!
We go to the DR. on April 5th to check everything out. My last appointment was on March 15th but it was just my 4d ultra sound so we didn't actually see Dr. Housel. As of now, I don't have gestational diabetes so that was good news! (plus to test that out you get soda and candy for breakfast, of course I was game!)
The lady who did his ultra sound was messing with me and hinted that he wasn't really a boy. After about 1 minute of stewing over what she said I said "Am I having a girl?" She thought it was hilarious that she got to me. My little dude is very much a boy and was very proud to show it.
He is so handsome, I think he looks like my little brother a little bit. He has my nose and thats about all I could tell.
I have a few names I really like, but it is SO hard to find something that fits his little personality. I need suggestions! Text or Email me if you have any ideas for names for my little man. Thanks! I hope is going well for everyone. Love you all.
Can't wait to meet you son!
We go to the DR. on April 5th to check everything out. My last appointment was on March 15th but it was just my 4d ultra sound so we didn't actually see Dr. Housel. As of now, I don't have gestational diabetes so that was good news! (plus to test that out you get soda and candy for breakfast, of course I was game!)
The lady who did his ultra sound was messing with me and hinted that he wasn't really a boy. After about 1 minute of stewing over what she said I said "Am I having a girl?" She thought it was hilarious that she got to me. My little dude is very much a boy and was very proud to show it.
He is so handsome, I think he looks like my little brother a little bit. He has my nose and thats about all I could tell.
I have a few names I really like, but it is SO hard to find something that fits his little personality. I need suggestions! Text or Email me if you have any ideas for names for my little man. Thanks! I hope is going well for everyone. Love you all.
Can't wait to meet you son!
Its a......
I'm having a tiny little man. Feb 10th was my ultra sound. He was moving so much my Dr. had the hardest time getting his heartbeat. He is still thinking my July 20th due date looks like that will be the day, YIKES! I will be 20 weeks beginning of next week. Halfway.
Little man is moving so much. He wakes me up in the middle of the night moving so much. It is the most amazing feeling in the whole entire world!
I can't wait to be a mommy and meet my precious little prince. :)
March 15th is the targeted ultra sound. I will be sure to post that very day so every can see the 4d images of my little bug.
I'm having a tiny little man. Feb 10th was my ultra sound. He was moving so much my Dr. had the hardest time getting his heartbeat. He is still thinking my July 20th due date looks like that will be the day, YIKES! I will be 20 weeks beginning of next week. Halfway.
Little man is moving so much. He wakes me up in the middle of the night moving so much. It is the most amazing feeling in the whole entire world!
I can't wait to be a mommy and meet my precious little prince. :)
March 15th is the targeted ultra sound. I will be sure to post that very day so every can see the 4d images of my little bug.
13 week appointment
Thursday I got off work early, came home, watched Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice and then was WAY too excited to sleep. There was a chance I would find out the sex of my little bug. I was so excited. I finally calmed down and fell asleep a little after midnight.
About 2:15 I woke up and it felt like I wet the bed (something I consider often when its one of those every hour nights lol). I thought maybe it was just sweat or something disgusting, so i just continued onto the bathroom like normal. I turned the light on, sat down on the toilet and there was blood EVERYWHERE. I mean dripping, drenched my pants, soaked to my leg, and many other very unpleasant places.
I freaked, I cleaned it up a little bit and ran into my mom and dad's room. I said "mom, mom, mom, MOM!" (getting slightly louder everytime, she hates being yelled at to wake her up) She mumbled some type of reaction and I told her I was bleeding. She said "you are? OH NO!" It looked like it was stopping and it was turning brown, like it wasn't fresh anymore.
We looked online at different possibilities, the likeliness of it being a miscarriage or if it was possible the baby was still okay. My dad came in and offered to give me a Priesthood blessing, something I felt very good about having to save my little tiny baby. (during my blessing, my nose started bleeding, wtf!) So the bleeding finally stopped about 3:30 so I laid back down, on my left side, and tried to sleep. I called Cody and made him talk to me all night long.
About 4:45, still talking to Cody, I felt like i was sitting in blood again. I went into the bathroom, sure enough I was bleeding again, pretty heavy this time. I was so scared at this time but too scared to wake my parents up again. I just laid on the bathroom floor waiting for it to stop.
it finally stopped about 6 so I fell asleep until about 8. I woke up, took a shower and got ready for my appointment. The ONLY reason I didn't go to the hospital was because my regular appointment was at 10 AM.
Cody came and picked me up and we went to my appointment. Dr Housel was about 30 minutes behind, so we just sat in the waiting room. I was nervous, but at the same time very peaceful. I had a pretty good feeling that everything would be okay and work out. I told the nurse I was having some bleeding and she let my Dr. know. He said well lets check things out. Sure enough, little baby bug had a strong heartbeat. looking more like a baby now more than ever. I could see the spine and watch he/she move around. It was incredible. It never gets old watching he difference from week to week.
He said to monitor myself, start resting, don't work for the next few days, and if it got heavier to call him or go to the E.R. I wasn't able to get work off, so Cody, being saint, worked for me so I didn't have to. I laid around all day, my mom brought me home some pizza and her, minjung, and I watched oceans 13, until bed time!
Today I had to work for a few hours and the bleeding got the heaviest its been since the initial night it happened, but now that I am home its slowed down a ton!
I am so grateful that nothing was wrong with my little buggie. I never really realized how much I NEED this baby to be okay, until i thought she/he wasn't. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mother and raise this child. I already have SO much love for this little one and can't wait to meet her or him!!
About 2:15 I woke up and it felt like I wet the bed (something I consider often when its one of those every hour nights lol). I thought maybe it was just sweat or something disgusting, so i just continued onto the bathroom like normal. I turned the light on, sat down on the toilet and there was blood EVERYWHERE. I mean dripping, drenched my pants, soaked to my leg, and many other very unpleasant places.
I freaked, I cleaned it up a little bit and ran into my mom and dad's room. I said "mom, mom, mom, MOM!" (getting slightly louder everytime, she hates being yelled at to wake her up) She mumbled some type of reaction and I told her I was bleeding. She said "you are? OH NO!" It looked like it was stopping and it was turning brown, like it wasn't fresh anymore.
We looked online at different possibilities, the likeliness of it being a miscarriage or if it was possible the baby was still okay. My dad came in and offered to give me a Priesthood blessing, something I felt very good about having to save my little tiny baby. (during my blessing, my nose started bleeding, wtf!) So the bleeding finally stopped about 3:30 so I laid back down, on my left side, and tried to sleep. I called Cody and made him talk to me all night long.
About 4:45, still talking to Cody, I felt like i was sitting in blood again. I went into the bathroom, sure enough I was bleeding again, pretty heavy this time. I was so scared at this time but too scared to wake my parents up again. I just laid on the bathroom floor waiting for it to stop.
it finally stopped about 6 so I fell asleep until about 8. I woke up, took a shower and got ready for my appointment. The ONLY reason I didn't go to the hospital was because my regular appointment was at 10 AM.
Cody came and picked me up and we went to my appointment. Dr Housel was about 30 minutes behind, so we just sat in the waiting room. I was nervous, but at the same time very peaceful. I had a pretty good feeling that everything would be okay and work out. I told the nurse I was having some bleeding and she let my Dr. know. He said well lets check things out. Sure enough, little baby bug had a strong heartbeat. looking more like a baby now more than ever. I could see the spine and watch he/she move around. It was incredible. It never gets old watching he difference from week to week.
He said to monitor myself, start resting, don't work for the next few days, and if it got heavier to call him or go to the E.R. I wasn't able to get work off, so Cody, being saint, worked for me so I didn't have to. I laid around all day, my mom brought me home some pizza and her, minjung, and I watched oceans 13, until bed time!
Today I had to work for a few hours and the bleeding got the heaviest its been since the initial night it happened, but now that I am home its slowed down a ton!
I am so grateful that nothing was wrong with my little buggie. I never really realized how much I NEED this baby to be okay, until i thought she/he wasn't. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mother and raise this child. I already have SO much love for this little one and can't wait to meet her or him!!



I just wanted to post way fast about how awesome my baby brother is. All season he has been ranked first in the state for his weight class. Last night he got to go to UVU to the state all star dual. He won 9-2. He is so awesome and has worked so hard. He had to gain 35 lbs in muscle to be able to compete this year. Besides us both fighting for all the carbs in the house, he is my hero :) This last picture shows how dang cute his smile is. I love him so much. Way to go Mitch. Me and baby bean (as he calls the baby) are proud of you.
Baby news and the first 13 weeks! :)






On November 14th, I started my day just like any other. I went to work then decided to go to my friend Aubrey's. She had been trying to keep her baby inside of her and i figured she could definitely use some company. I got there about 6 or 630, we visited and then decided to go to Walmart. I had been so stressed. Somehow Aubrey and I got on the subject of babies and how I was a few days late. I told her it wasn't anything to worry about, probably just stress. She said 4 days is enough days to show, to go buy a test.
I went over to the "Family Planning" aisle, picked up a 4 dollar pregnancy test (something I was very familiar with taking). Aubrey said I could come to her house tomorrow morning and take it, but i got restless and walked right into the bathroom at Wal mart and took the test right there. Instantly, I saw the 2nd line start to appear. I was FREAKING OUT. I text Aubrey and said something demanding like "come here now!" She came in and said "are you okay?" I was in shock I am pretty sure i said something like "are you F&@%ing kidding me?" She instantly gave me a hug and said it didn't seem like a good thing but in a few short months I was going to have a baby. A real live baby of my very own, something I have always wanted.
Well, a few phones calls were made and I went to tell my parents, instantly. My dad did his usual rub his head thing, my mom LAUGHED, like how ironic is this. I told a few other family members and friends, honestly, some of their reactions actually really hurt. At a happy time in my life (not to mention how scary and alone I was feeling) for them to act how they did, was really hurtful. I have a hard time forgiving them (I know thats awful), and I have a hard time sharing my pregnancy and soon my babies life with them.
I went to the Dr on Dec 2, 2009. He said sure enough I was pregnant, I was measuring 6 weeks 4 days, and I was due July 27th, 2010. My little one was so cute, like a little peanut. Already does my little buggie have a cute personality. When most babies are hugging the side of the uteran wall, mine was standing up and down bobbing around. So cute. Dr Housel said he/she is going to be a handful, he can tell already. Then it was time to hear the heartbeat and OH MY GOSH. I have never heard anything more magical in my whole life. So fast and so strong. Oh, i love this little one so much already!
My second appointment was Dec 18th, 2009. The Doc said I could schedule my appointment for right before Christmas so I had a few pictures with an actual baby looking baby, for grandparents for Christmas. Of course, I jumped at the chance, what kind of new mommy doesn't want to see her baby every chance she gets. This time I was 9 weeks 1 day. He decided to try a belly ultra sound, which they usually don't do until 12 weeks. I could not see the baby, hardly at all, and we couldn't hear the heartbeat, but we saw it moving. I, of course, being the paranoid parent I am already, requested he do a vaginal so i could HEAR my babies heart, not just see it. He said okay, which I am so glad I did because I got SUCH better pictures of the bug.
My next appointment is this Friday, January 15th. I will be 13 weeks and 3 days and he said there is a pretty fair chance he will be able to tell what I am having! I will definitely post more pictures and let you know what I find out!
( I have never blogged before and I have no idea how to post pictures.. so ill describe them now)
-In the blue shirt, I am 12 weeks and 5 days, starting to "pop"
-In the black and white I am 12 weeks 2 days
-then baby 9 weeks 1 day
-baby 6 wks 4 days (standing up!)
-in the blue and grey I am 8 weeks 3 days and oh, so bloated.
-obviously pregnancy test galore, just to make sure!
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